- トランプ大統領は「硫黄島の戦い」80周年を記念し、1945年の戦いで旧日本軍が約2万2000人の犠牲を出して敗北したことを振り返り、アメリカの自由が若者たちによって守られたと談話で述べた。
- 日米が過去に激しい戦争を戦ったにもかかわらず、現在の日米同盟はインド太平洋地域の平和と繁栄の礎となっていると強調した。
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「硫黄島の戦い」から80年の談話を公表したトランプ 背景は硫黄島のすり鉢山に米国旗を立てた米兵の銅像 AI生成画像 |
- トランプ大統領が2025年2月19日、硫黄島の戦い80周年談話とゼレンスキー批判を同日に行ったのは偶然ではなく、外交と国内アピールを絡めた戦略だ。
- 硫黄島談話は日米同盟を称賛し、アメリカの強さと「アメリカ第一主義」を強調する愛国的なメッセージである。
- ゼレンスキー批判はウクライナ戦争の早期終結を求めるトランプの外交姿勢を示し、同盟国を選びつつアメリカの利益を優先する意図が透ける。
- 中国との対峙を最優先とするトランプは、ウクライナ問題を片付け、日本との連携を強化してインド太平洋に集中する狙いがある。
- 日本への間接的な警告も含まれ、アメリカの優先事項に協力しない場合、同盟関係に影響が出ると示唆している。
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安倍首相は日本の首相として初めて、米上下院合同会議で演説した |
Proclamation—80th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
On the morning of February 19, 1945, the first wave of United States Marines landed on the island of Iwo Jima -- commencing 36 long, perilous days of gruesome warfare, and one of the most consequential campaigns of the Second World War. With ruthless fervor, the Japanese struck our forces with mortars, heavy artillery, and a steady barrage of small arms fire, but they could not shake the spirit of the Marines, and American forces did not retreat.
Five days into the conflict, six Marines ascended the island's highest peak and hoisted Old Glory into the summit of Mount Suribachi -- a triumphant moment that has stood the test of time as a lasting symbol of the grit, resolve, and unflinching courage of Marines and all of those who serve our Nation in uniform.
After five weeks of unrelenting warfare, the island was declared secure, and our victory advanced America's cause in the Pacific Theater -- but at a staggering cost. Of the 70,000 men assembled for the campaign, nearly 7,000 Marines and Sailors died, and 20,000 more were wounded.
The battle was defined by massive casualties but also acts of gallantry -- 27 Marines and Sailors received the Medal of Honor for their valor during Iwo Jima. No other single battle in our Nation's history bears this distinction. Eighty years later, we proudly continue to honor their heroism.
American liberty was secured, in part, by young men who stormed the black sand shores of Iwo Jima and defeated the Japanese Imperial Army eight decades ago. In spite of a brutal war, the United States–Japan Alliance represents the cornerstone of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.
Nonetheless, our victory at Iwo Jima stands as a legendary display of American might and an eternal testament to the unending love, nobility, and fortitude of America's Greatest Generation. To every Patriot who selflessly rose to the occasion, left behind his family and his home, and gallantly shed his blood for freedom on the battlefields at Iwo Jima, we vow to never forget your intrepid devotion -- and we pledge to build a country, a culture, and a future worthy of your sacrifice.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 19, 2025, as the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima. I encourage all Americans to remember the selfless patriots of the Greatest Generation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-ninth.
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摺鉢山山頂に星条旗を立てる米海兵隊員。これをモチーフにしたブロンズ像がワシントンDCのアーリントン国立墓地に設置されている |
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